Monday, March 2, 2009

Ending of nothing

ok, right now.. i will STOP BLOGGING HERE...
take action..will not post here...
my new blog address

*its valid..try on

till then.. see yaa

Sunday, March 1, 2009

1 march 2009

ok.. now i have own website..yeahh...OWN
located at Malaysia datacentrel..quite fast arr..
maybe will STOPPINNg blogging here...
hosting blog someelse...

owh yeah.. private hosting..mean open subject arr?
yes..can upload song,video n more..
common info..
gold selling price= 1gm = rm 129
1USD = Rm 3.70

new website link

Saturday, February 28, 2009

27 febuari 2009

it's nice having a raining before making some competition ?
owh yea.. 'they' really smart...
let the student across raining..
while 'they' go with their car...
so clever...

owh.. bytheway.. this is picture for today...
lots of nosense there...
hope u wont enjoy it

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

24 feb 2009

pergi kelas add math.. aduhai..
skang dh ramai org bwat ringging tone bunyi 'itik'
haha.. kuek kuek...
samapi cikgu chandran pun kater..
'saya ajr manusia..bkan itik...'

Saturday, February 21, 2009

20 febuari 2009

owh korang.. saper yg dh beredah dr smkpj high school(nama agk bajet..)
bye..jumpa kt maner ipta Universiti...

bdk2 bridge..semoga berjaya khamis nie..saringan kedua....
bdk bridge ptg...aku berkorban kt korang..sampai kena lari kelas semata2
nk inteview korang msuk bridge...

next week ( 23-27 feb) sukantara...
rmai sibuk kn?
khamis raptai....jumaat sukantara..
so... 3 hari je blajar..itu pun subject to ability...

malaysia punya internet skang nie slow..damn fuck streamyx....
port problem..masalah nie beralutan dr 12 feb sampai skang...
solution? nope..

Thursday, February 19, 2009

19 feb 2009

welcome new bridge ...
include evening season...

"thniah wong sbb maen tendang2 pintu..kelakar..."
"korang2..jamuan nk bwat kt kde ke?"
" bwk pc kt skolah tadi"
"bye bdk2 nk pindah"
"minggu dpn sukantara"
"aaaa.a maner pergi cikgu perdagangan?"

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

17 feb 09

bm...cikgu ok...yay..cikgu puji persembahan aku..hhaa
bi...teacher... i read that text actually..but just wanna maku u waiting..haha
mt... makin aktif cikgu...haha..(nk ambik physic)
add math...owh yeah...add math

meh cite pasal sn tadi...
bru abis blajar pasal kebenda kn..okok
tengok diagram bwh nie

maybe advance sket..tapi kalau nk phm mcm mner neuron bergerak.. bwh nie plak

so message dr receptor akn antar pkai eletrik.. bkan kuat..tapi okok je arr...
maybe korang bole tnya bdk sains tuk mklumk lnjut..(biologi lah kater kn...)

Monday, February 16, 2009

16 feb 2009

owh... Monday.
New prefect... Welcome to the new hell of organization.
Nice meet u. Haha. Damn, they shake hand with inspector...
Fuck ar.... Zzzz.
Lazy time, sleep awhile at pc labs. Haha. Until resest.
Ok what...!
Tomorror got meating, hello new fellows...
I hope u can test ur brain, there

Saturday, February 14, 2009

14 feb 2009

jumaat..lari kelas perdagangan..mmg best...
arinie..tau kn hari aper? okok..
aku tak nk mengata...ikut hati masing2 nyerk..


Thursday, February 12, 2009

12 feb 2009

its thursday. Maybe its just tired day.
Need working araund at school like crazy.ok, school just a place for me to exercise, ah ha.. Im got it.
My quote, ' i hate u both damn much'

Today, almort 3 teacher find. Ok... They need help. I love help other people. Haha...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

10 feb 2009

ok...*bak kater hazriq* homework are killing..
math..add math.. account..blabla..
computer lab..20% finished.. just 80% more to complete.. time..quite good time to run away from language class...
not only me..but all of them...pity pn norain..okok..maybe u raws..haha...

k-can..or wtevr..aper ko merepek tadi?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

8 feb 2009

World OC day..
oh..yeah.. oc..ermm..what the HELL are oc it's?
OverClocking..short meaning...want long term? go google it..

ok..dummies prosessor also can...
without any suppliment assesosy...u still can..but limi..ted...
pentium 3, 4 or wtevr...
amd still can..but cannnot fight with intel...

merentas desa(road crossing..i guess)

behind any artwork to do..the is something u killing themm..
ermm..watcha i talking about? nvemnd
ok..there is a few picture..but i uploaded on my my my my myspace..
so..sign in ur account..or create..or borror.or hacking also permitted
but please..dont comment it.. i dont want it...there is few picture that will be group as 'top secret'
maybe..but so far.. it's ok to publish..

Saturday, February 7, 2009


ok.....yesterday sux...
i hate that teacher damn much... mke mcm paip getah jamban je...
dok kt klas 4 berkat..haha

merentas desa..equal to road crossing
ok..wthevr lah...
volunteer kinda fun.. no need to run like dog chase people..
i got a LOT of picture..but.. u know......
100.. how can i upload it here?
sure will mess up...
maybe next post i will upload the pic..ok?

Thursday, February 5, 2009


holiday ...jusr for me..i guess...can i sugesst our gouvement..
make holiday for 3 day?can huh?

ok.. big stuff..freaking weird when i know someone acting 'pro' in front of me..
that ppl are evening club computer supervisor..
HAH... freaking arragont... u think u smart? oh come on...
new teacher...please...realise that u still new..ok? dumbass

tomorrow? who gonna run for school crossing?
i guess only few ppl..i think maybe teacher can make any thing that can
impress all student..ok?

now homehork is giant sucker..
are u try to killing me? oh man..

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


3 Feb
its a tuesday..its a second a of school...
so..ermm..hell-o new prefect...
welcome to the ero global fucking demostatio..

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Welcome...freak February...
something that we call it 'second of month', i guess so
so how about 1st day in feb? amazing? nah...
worst? not exactly... owh yeah.. i got what i want today...
the book... remember that i mention last's?

(thx to d60..i own u life..hhaa)
*look like that garfield exited about the book..haha

yeah.. im realize i what?
it not well my mum happy with it..
long journey...1 destination...
start studying that book being tomorrow...
equal to hurm... 2nd feb 09...
maybe next time i will find all in one reference ..about whole thing about hardware...

ok pc...stop making nosense problem.. i tired formating...
aaa... wasting time...
dear pc.. u kind,right? okok.. dont be involve in any stupid problem..

the website i build it up..
maybe i will change hosting to mys..
US hosting kinda SUX......

so it may wastes.. but its ok..

so..tomorrow...assembly...aaaaaa....not now...
see tomorrow..c yah..

Friday, January 30, 2009


format pc...again
this month.. almost 3 time.. aaaa

*Ainin..may u rest in peace...amin...

Thursday, January 29, 2009


To all smkpj student..
has came back to to Rahmahtullah on 3.25 am..
lets donate her an Al-fatihat to my friend..

Origin Message from Nura Aisyah & Farah Amalina
sme2 la kte doakn al-fatihah kpd beliau krne tlah kmbali ke rhmtullah pd
3.25 pg.. smoge rohnye dicucuri rhmat.."

she very good girl...i never thought that she will leave us now...
anyway..that for da all ppl who gave me info..

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


yahoo..finally I have my own website...
okok...WEBSITE..yeah..that weird..okok
i done it... but anyway...
there is
NO MORE freaking rule
NO MORE privacy
No MORE limitation..
anything would be ok inmy
i guess it's complicated, that not mine..

maybe i not longer posting blog in this site..
i would be nice if i can host in my hosting,rite?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

27/01/09 2

heeyy... tetiba paki intel agk seronok pulak
mula2 hipokrit ngan adzim sbb anti ngan intell..tapi last2 pkai juga intell..
haha..sori adzim..ko amd..aku intell
erm... ader saper2 mau belanja buku nie?

dan nie

kedua2 nya beharga rm92 and rm 110 saje..
tau buku nie ttg ape? suda terpampang perkataan PC..
of coz arr psal komputer,right?>

hee... harap2 dpt...alalla


hari yg penat...hari yg penatt...
best gle hingga ta terkata pergi Cameron Highland..
hampir 3 taun kot..lama jugak x gi sana..
thx to d60 ...i own u one..haha

Friday, January 23, 2009


taid nie dpt pegang jwatan ajk pengawas form 4 dan pengerusi kelab komputer..
agaknya kaki kipas cikgu kot?
maybe..just maybe..
*fiqin..aku x berniat nk ambik jwtn ko..seriusly...
so jgn lah salah anggap nyerk?

Monday, January 19, 2009


be4 that....

haha... good bye AMD...a warm welcome Intel...
even its quite old..but it is kinda engineer sample.
So any kind of shop dont sell it...

Got crock..haha long time wanted it..

okok back to the date...

last school make a school season on
sunday.. to replace CNY onward....
so u know,right..who gonna come to school on saturday? including me...
so today...when my account class teacher say
"kmu kenapa x dtg ari sabtu?" "parent ader hal" " owh.."

and the conversation when talk with my Language teacher
"kmu gi maner tk dtg ari sabtu tu?" "krisis ekonomi cikgu"
"huh? ape dier?" " owh x de paper..ari ni ader meeting kn?"

pretending to change topic
haha..usually we all going back at 1.40..
but today..
haaa...3.10....kinda meeting..
but it is very fucking damn meeting.. i hope i would
attend it anymore..hahaha

Thursday, January 15, 2009


aaaaaa....otak ku slalu mendapat idea yg bkan2..
i mean akal yg kurang baek..

boleh pulak terlintas nk bkk hidden picture dlm myspace org..
walaupun korang bwat private....
diorang hanya gunakn script s,m,l je...
senang giler nk pecah kn..
setakat nie..dua myspace org sudah menjadi sasaran..

mejoriti pelajar smkpj...sori erk..bkan nk break privasy...
tapi nk uji sbb myspace guna CMS(content management system)
so bnyk lagi error code...
kesian encik tom....

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


hye, 2 day not blogging.
This year are quite bored, but kinda fun. Haha
2 combination that unexpectnable.
The day after day, im getting older. Haha, what are weird,statement.
Now, im currently listen a song from Neil sadaka, title, you mean everything to me. Wow, what a deep messege at that song. Thx to person name putra ajin coz give inspiration to me. Hee
This song story about a man who very appreatiate(menghargai) their girl. That girl are meanful to that man. The melody, lyrics and singer was such a wondèful combination. I hope i will remember this song rest of my life.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


guess what?
my mum n bro wanna celebrate my birthday at mcdonals...
he wanna to make party party..wanna call my my cousin..
ha hah ha...
so i guess...probaly very nice n ok..
and theme will choose...
ermm.. Ben 10 ?

yupp...haha Ben 1000..
this year..
i want my cake have design Ben 10 cartoon.. totally nosense ..but this is waht i want this year..

(maybe the design like this..haha)


hey... saturday today...
so fast..
today my cousin come n stay(for awhile)
she come from seremban..
she come to kl coz will be teaching(actually she is teacher,physis and chemisty teacher)
at sri damasara teacher on my house... awww

so today my computer do same problem.....again..
wat the...

u always gedik come to my pc..ahaha

by the way... my fav cartoon is ben 10(turn cartoon network..u know this)
even my astro didn't include cartoon pakage...
download also can arr...

is fun,right...
haha :D

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


3rd day of school.
nothing speciall....

but..haha...need to work again as IT speciallist in smkpj...helping c fahmi this morning..
1 period..didn't lern sciendce..
but it's ok...

owh yeah... i miss
all my form 3 teacher..
haha u all rox!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


second day of school...
return back to ict labs..
haha.. got many improvement....
got aircond, new pc, new ..many things arr...
just now wanna to search new new member
for bridge cyber..

Monday, January 5, 2009


owh yeah.. 1st school day...
no bad arr...just being normal person even im right now at werido school..
the good news.. prefect teacher are change.. yehee..

Sunday, January 4, 2009


new damn fucking ppl..

lot of improvement on smkpj since we all left the school for awhile..

owh yeah... tomorrow school,right?
thing need to bring...
  1. notebook
  2. pilot gelpen
  3. handphone(gonna bring it everytime)
  4. headphone
  5. Digital camera mag
  6. hazriq windows xp cd (he wanna borrow it)

Friday, January 2, 2009

end year

go so fuck ass 2008...
welcome of hell of 2009